The Department of Nursing of the University of Ioannina, in association with the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS), is delighted to welcome you to the 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference in the city of Ioannina in Greece on 11-13 September 2024.
The central theme of this year's conference is "Wondering about Nursing: the bedrock of nursing philosophy". Initially inspired by Socrates's quote that "wisdom begins with wonder," this year's conference aims to share specific and unique experiences, sentiments and responses that created sudden and qualitative awareness of the world of others and elicit questions, queries and a quest for signification and meaning-making in the context of nursing. Thus illuminating and making visible the uniqueness of nurses' experiences and actively demonstrating how nurses meaningfully, creatively, and intentionally order otherwise disparate events, aspects and particularities in their experiences to provide convincing explanations and qualitatively powerful meanings for themselves and the people, families, and communities they care for and with. Finally, the conference aims to be sufficiently interactive to allow for dialogical and dialectical examinations of presented experiences, meanings and explanations of unique cases to elaborate further, enrich with other experiences and potentially re-order the constitutive components of events or experiences, thereby transforming wonder into wondering and then into nursing knowledge(s) and nursing practices.
We look forward to exchanging and sharing the creative processes of constructing meaning(s) from nursing experiences and/or introducing meaning-making frameworks and communicating these insights in open and purposeful discussions and debates that persuasively argue points in a collegial and friendly atmosphere. This will form the bedrock of this year's conference storyline and, hopefully, demonstrate nursing philosophy in action.
The conference will take place at the Karolos Papoulias Conference Centre at the University of Ioannina (and hybrid via an online platform). The inaugural conference ceremony on 11th September will take place in the ancient theatre of Dodoni ( ) erected in the 5th century BC and cannot be transmitted online.
Call for Abstracts
We have now opened a Call for Abstracts for the conference.
The deadline for abstract submission is 20th June 2024. Abstracts should be submitted through this webpage by clicking on the top of this page on "Submit your Abstract". Please ensure your abstract text does not exceed 300 words, as the system will not accept submissions over this limit. The word count does NOT include your title, authoring or cited references. Please indicate in the abstract if you intend to present the abstract in oral or poster format.
All authors can potentially develop their conference presentations into publishable papers for the special collection of the journal of Nursing Philosophy to be published in 2025.
Decisions on the submitted abstracts and specific presentation instructions will be communicated by 10th June 2024. We look forward to this event and getting as many of us as possible together!

Stefanos Mantzoukas
Chair of the Conference

Nektaria Zagorianakou
Chair of the Organizing Committee

Mary Gouva
Chair of the Conference Review Committee